Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Finally... and with big updates!

So it has been forever and a fortnight since I last posted here. Various factors, including the procrastination that gave this blog its name, mean I did very little writing in 2012.

But I'm back, and in very unexpected ways! This is a bumper update containing none of what I promised in my last post so long ago, but many interesting things.

Firstly: I have compiled all my writings from the site, plus a few others into an ebook, available for free right here (alternate formats on request):

The Procrastinaria (mobi) (html)

There's some fairly dark and personal stuff in there mixed with the usual light stuff, and even the first chapter of a novel... so enjoy!

I have also co-authored and co-run an online, text-based role playing game this year based on a brilliantly complicated series of games called Zero Escape.

Any number of high-level science, science fiction and para-psychological elements combine into highly complex mysteries and stories in these games all centred around a game of life and death called the "Nonary Game".

I had a great time with this: I love world building and developing complex mysteries!

My partner in crime copied the content of the various forum threads (hence the formatting) and Google docs together into a series of docs in the proper order so it can be read as a whole.

If you have no knowledge of the originals: spoiler warning. If you have, or will never play either game (shame on you!) then feel free to browse, I hope you enjoy it:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

There is currently a sequel in the works and a couple of pieces of art based on our original game, which will be posted later!

I have some ideas for more projects for The Procrastinarium, so look forward to it!